Match № 22
The match № 22 (quarterfinal), sixth tournament day
January 21st, 2015, St. Petersburg, Peterburgsky SCC, 300 spectators
Referees: Roman Chernov, Aleksandr Shimarygin, Yegor Bolkhovitin
Kyrgyzstan: Shikin, Iusupov, Umarov, Kozubaev (c), Sharsheev, Duishobekov, Bokoleev (Temirbaev, 52), Akhmataliev (Eshimov, 81), Musabekov, Kudaiberdiev, Israilov (Sagynbaev, 81)
Head coach: Mirlan Eshenov
Finland: Eriksson, Hattaka (c), Nurmos (Voutilainen, 46), Viitikko, Soiri (Hovi, 41), Lassas, Skrabb (Taylor, 67), Aaltonen (Yaghoubi, 38), Anyamele, Hradecky, Rahimi (Saarinen, 86)
Head coach: Tommi Kautonen
Goal: Rahimi (79)
Best players: Andrey Shikin, Youness Rahimi
After match comments
Head coach of team Kyrgyzstan Mirlan Eshenov:
– Today we had few sharp moments, for we lacked the main improviser able to invent something in the final of a combination. Team Finland, on the contrary, were thoroughly prepared for the game. They 'read' us. In this match my players were afraid to attempt something on the pitch. I think the main reasons of our defeat today were those I've mentioned. We've got to work on it. Nothing left.
– Today the game was completely different. It is the play off stage. How were you setting the guys for the match?
– You're quite right, we have started the stage where you don't have any right to mistake. Yesterday we paid a special attention to the psychological preparation. The previous game took much energy, and we were worn out morally. We were setting the guys for the match, but I think they have just burnt out. Also, they were very composed. Today we needed a leader to draw the team out, but there was no leader.
– Has the fact that your whole bench was compiled of young guys had any effect on the loss?
– I'll say briefly: I'm not used to complain and not going to. Yes, we have young guys on the bench, but it doesn't mean they are not able to strengthen the game. Everything comes in a course of time, and we have time.
– Maybe it was you whom your players lacked on the pitch? You are quite a young and very successful coach who has bronze and silver trophies in the stock. And at the same time you are a coach of the youth national team and the club...
– No, I've finished with playing career. I had studies in Spain – in Barcelona and Real. And, you see, I've got fascinated with coaching work. That's my job! They call me to play, of course. But, let us imagine, I go on the pitch and somebody nutmegs me, so how will I look in the eyes of my players? And seriously, I enjoy being a coach-manager. And you can see, there is some success. For instance, we have recently won the Olympic team Iran for the first time in the history, thus kicking them out of the Asian Cup.
Head coach of team Finland Tommi Kautonen:
– That's our 4th game on the tournament. You may have noticed that the players are tired. Of course I'm happy that we have managed to win such a difficult rival. I'm happy with the results. Today we were playing for it – for result. I want to thank my guys for having kept the ball out of the gates. I liked how our attacking line played, but I have some pretensions to counterattacks, especially in the first half. A player gets the ball and hesitates, slowing down the attack. In the second half we've managed to improve essentially some weak points and this led to the positive results.
– Wasn't it a risk to start the game without your play maker – N 7?
– Yes, it was a risk, but I let him on the pitch still in the first half, on the 30th minute. So it was alright.
– Does it mean that he doesn't have an equal substitution in your team so far?
– Moshtagh Yaghoubi is a real leader of our team! For the moment I don't have alternatives for this position. Though, you know, 5 players of the first team couldn't come to St. Petersburg by different reasons. Among those who is participating in the Commonwealth Cup there are no equal substitutions for Yaghoubi.