Press Center regulations

План Петербургского СККPress-center works only on match days.

It starts to work one hour before the matches begin and finishes it's work one hour after the end of last match.

Order of accreditation for Media representatives >>>

Entering the SCC Peterburgskiy will be organized at the main facade of the building through "Accreditation" entrance.

Request to all Media representatives: please, have your editorial identity cards independently from your accreditations.

At the Media working area Wi-Fi Internet access is arranged.

Wi-Fi Internet is available as well at the Main Tribune of the venue.

Photo correspondents and TV crews will take bibs for each match day at the press-center. It gives a permission to work right next to the pitch at specific "photo" areas.

Photoflash use during the games is prohibited!

After each match press-conferences will take place at the press-center. Both head coaches of the opponents are participating.

After each game press release is issued by the press-service on both Russian and English languages with commentaries of head coaches, they are available for downloading at «Press-releases» page.

Head of press-service of the tournament
Alexander Ivanov

+7 921 956 75 31 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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